Where We Stand

Where We Stand As calendar 2018 comes to a close, it’s not only the painful volatility and collapsing asset values that are on our mind.   Markets will ebb and flow and business and investing cycles are as natural as the earth spinning on its axis and revolving around the sun.  The thing that vexes us […]

Sometimes We Can All Use A Little Perspective

Sometimes We Can All Use A Little Perspective Earlier this week, one of us was probably scammed out of $50 on the subway. While in transit, some guy opened the sliding door between the cars and announced he was throwing himself off the train because he was starving and homeless and desperately needed $20. It […]

10 Years Later — 25 Lessons We Learned From The Financial Crisis

10 Years Later — 25 Lessons We Learned From The Financial Crisis Dear Clients and Employee-Partners, It has been 10 years since the nadir of the global financial crisis.  In some ways this feels like ancient history that we can barely remember (nor want to).  In other ways, it feels like it happened yesterday and […]

Sense of Urgency When all is Good

Sense of Urgency When all is Good Welcome back everyone!  We hope each of you had the chance to unplug a little this summer from our usual frenetic daily pace at Jefferies.  We know the two of us did this and while it was a very productive summer, the stars aligned in a manner that […]

Please “Disrespect” Your Senior Management Team!

Dear Clients, We wrote this letter today to our employee-partners with each of you in mind. As you strive to build your respective organizations, perhaps some of what we say may resonate with you and your own employee-partners. Thank you. Please “Disrespect” Your Senior Management Team! “I didn’t want to trouble you, as I didn’t […]

Jefferies in the Super Bowl

This Sunday, most of the world will be watching the New England Patriots square off against the Philadelphia Eagles in the 52nd annual Super Bowl in Minnesota.