Sustainability & Culture

Where Does Climate Investing Go From Here?

1 min read
Where Does Climate Investing Go From Here?

12 months ago, JEF Sustainability & Transition published an Expanding Overton Window, containing 10 bold predictions for the future of Climate Investing. One year on, we revisit these predictions to see how they are playing out, what lessons the investor community can take and importantly set out perspectives around what the next year could have in store.

Here are six predictions we believe will shape the next phase of climate investing:

  1. Political swings occur in 2024 — yet only have a marginal effect on the pace of decarbonization.
  2. Protectionism under the guise of decarbonization will increase.
  1. First of a kind large scale climate projects will begin to scale — corporate R&D and allocations to the theme will 2x.
  1. Voluntary Carbon Markets and related infrastructure will regain credibility.
  1. Attention will turn to agriculture as power and transport decarbonization continues.
  1. Allocations to the transition will become more tactical — reacting to the evolution of the transition.

You can watch the entire discussion below: