Is It Really Only February 1st?

Just when we thought we saw it all in the torturous, volatile and seemingly endless year of 2020, the very first month of calendar 2021 delivers us a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol and a short squeeze of epic proportion that has turned into a virtual tug of war with financial, political and societal ramifications.

So Much To Give Thanks For In 2020

For most of 2020, each of us has been living in a COVID-19 pandemic world.  It is easy and obvious to state all of the things that have brought varying degrees of pain and hardship to the world, and it is easy to become overwhelmed with the challenges, setbacks and disappointments of a global pandemic. 

@SkylarHandler asking @HandlerRich 25 Questions

Why are you so involved on instagram?/ What do you gain from it?

I love your generation and it allows me to get a glimpse and experience it.  It also allows me to share whatever positive things that I’ve learned and hopefully prevent others from making mistakes I made.  It can also be very funny. – RH 

Jefferies 12-Point Plan For Getting To The Other Side

Neither of us are medical experts, nor do we have any uniquely remarkable insight into the exact timing or path for when the world will get to the other side of Covid-19.  That said, we speak with a lot of very informed people, pay attention to all of the relevant information and misinformation, and are constantly forming and re-forming our own guestimates based on the facts as we see them, our own common sense, experience and gut feel. 

The Best Weekend Reading Possible

Earlier this morning we put out the Jef_All (included at the bottom of this note) celebrating the 20 Year Anniversary of Felix Ortiz at Jefferies. Now we are including something much more special.

Welcome Back To Work, Regardless Of Where You Office

We hope all of you were able to get some very well-deserved downtime during the course of the summer despite all of the obvious limitations due to COVID-19.  By now it is hopefully clear to each of you how appreciative we are of all your hard work, dedication and consistency that has distinguished our firm since this year began.