Intern Summer Season!

Team Jefferies, The beginning of June marks the start of our Intern Summer – that wonderful time when our offices and trading floors are overflowing with teams of smart, ambitious, inquisitive, motivated and impressionable soon-to-be Wall Street professionals. Here are some random thoughts for each of us to think about as our elevators get more

Operating as One Firm in One Very Big World!

Dear Clients, Teammates and Friends of Jefferies, The two of us recently came up for a breath to realize and appreciate that today Jefferies has 48 offices in 20 countries around the world. This has been reinforced as the two of us have been enjoyably (and exhaustingly) traversing the globe to visit many of these

March Forward

Team Jefferies, As we enter the month of March, we want to share a few random thoughts of what we should each expect from each other as true Jefferies partners taking our firm forward.  In no particular order: Happily marching forward with all of you and never forgetting what we need to do to keep

Remembering Your Career Through Your First Mini Bar Can Inspire Empathy

Team Jefferies, At the Jefferies 2024 Senior Leadership Offsite a few weeks ago, we spoke at length about what every single person deserves from their leaders.  The operative word was EMPATHY.  It is a privilege to be a leader at Jefferies and that means never forgetting the challenges, emotions, motivations, priorities, fears, dreams and experiences

45 Years And There Is Only One Joe Steinberg

Joe Steinberg Without Joe Steinberg, Jefferies would be a mere shadow of itself today.  Forty-five years ago today, Joe and his equally legendary partner, Ian Cumming (whom we miss tremendously), convinced Talcott National’s creditor banks to approve a restructuring, and Joe and Ian took over the company.  Talcott National was the pre-pre-cursor to today’s Jefferies. 

Seven Things We Are Thankful For During A Thankless Time

For those of us at Jefferies living and working in the United States and perhaps around the world, November is a time to reflect and appreciate all that we have and the good in our lives.  The month of November also marks the end of our 2023 fiscal year.  For the world, this November arrives

Why Jefferies is So Special

Team Jefferies, We have now confirmed that $4.4 million of our contributions will be 100% matched by other donors and thus our good work yesterday will deliver $13 million to organizations that are helping save and preserve life and humanity in the face of horror and evil. Please read our press release below for further

Playing Smart Offense At a Time Hiding on Defense Wouldn’t Be Criticized

Dear Clients, Employee-Partners, and Friends of Jefferies, Similar to 2022, 2023 has been a challenging year as the transition from free money to a real interest rate approaches its conclusion.  This has meaningfully curtailed, if not foreclosed, capital markets activity, as well as mergers and acquisitions.  While this could have led us at Jefferies to