Jefferies Summer Intern(s) Set the Tone from the Top

Last week we asked each of our 177 analyst and associate summer interns to set the tone for all of Jefferies by writing their own August 1st JEF Today letter.  The senior leaders of Jefferies (along with the two of us) read every individual entry.  The submissions were honest, inspiring, creative, thoughtful, and fun.  We

Trying to Retain Focus and Make Some Sense of the Madness

Globally, we are experiencing an exceptional period. Our U.K. sisters and brothers have surprised the world and voted to leave the European Union, erasing in two days a record $3 trillion of market wealth and perhaps forcing ultra-low and negative interest rates to continue for an even longer foreseeable time horizon.

The Time of Year When We (re)Learn From Our Summer Interns

June is the time of year when many new and youthful faces start to swarm around our offices and trading floors.  From what started with thousands of talented applicants, about 130 extremely special summer analysts and associates will join us to begin their Jefferies experience. 

Today’s Capital Markets

Three months ago, we wrote to you about inflection points, challenges and opportunities, as well as learning from history.

Wide Open For Business, Always

Our recently announced solid second quarter results reflect a world that is open for business and abundant in opportunity.

Our Motivations

We all operate in a volatile, competitive, ever-changing and complicated world where the challenges are numerous, the pace non-stop and the pressure constant.

MELIORA – Ever Better

The two of us spend much of our waking hours working in the trenches with our teams to help best execute the important business you entrust to Jefferies each day, but we, like many of you, are first and foremost “operators” of our business.

2013 Annual Report Shareholder Letter (LUK)

One year ago, Leucadia and Jefferies combined to form a unique and powerful merchant and investment banking platform, a combination almost as old as commerce itself. Leucadia is distinguished by our ability to take a truly long-term view in a world often characterized by impatience and increasingly shorter investment horizons.