We Work for You

This may be one of the more surprising and least obvious notes you will receive from us in your hopefully decades at Jefferies. We are reaching out to reinforce to everyone at Jefferies that you please think of the senior leaders of our firm, including the two of us in particular, as partners who work for you and not vice versa. 

It Is OK To Be “Unlovable”

Just a short year ago (almost to the day) the financial markets were spiraling out of control. Oil had plummeted to scary levels, the stock market had suffered a major correction, hedge funds and long-only investors were bleeding and facing redemptions, the leveraged loan market had screeched to a halt, and the Fed was afraid to even utter the words “interest rate increase” for fear the wheels would completely fall off the cart.

Do These Traits, Characteristics, and Qualities Describe You?

2017 is upon us and the turn of the year is often a period to take stock of oneself, make new resolutions, and plan goals and aspirations for the New Year. In writing our first employee letter of calendar 2017, we have decided to reflect upon the traits, characteristics and qualities that we believe describe our most important and treasured partners at Jefferies.

One Fiscal Year Ends and Another Begins…

Today, we start Jefferies’ 2017 fiscal year. We would like to share with each of you our brief perspective on our 2016 and on our future together: The first quarter of 2016 was one of the most painful periods we have experienced in our careers. Our results were horrible, as we dug ourselves into a

Personal Gratitude List

This is the beginning of the season where we remind ourselves of our blessings and all we have to be thankful for in our lives.  We would like to share with each of you our personal Gratitude List:

Accountability and Where the Buck Truly Stops

To Our Clients: We are grateful that we can only imagine the pain, embarrassment, sadness and anger that must accompany a CEO when he or she is called before Congress to address a real or perceived misdeed by an individual or a group of people at his or her company.  It does not matter if